Post by DavidU.S. votes *against* U.N. resolution condemning Russia for Ukraine war
Washington’s shift on the conflict marks a major break with Europe and
coincides with the Trump administration’s bid to repair relations with
I'm lost for words. I truly am.
- I disagree w/ most of Trump's recent words about .ua and .ru
- I agree w/ the idea or strategies of Trump or the .us for .ua's
minerals, much of which is currently in .ru hands/ occupation
- I agree w/ recent Trump, Macron, the .us & .fr that the security of
.ua should be predominantly in .eu/ NATO hands, not the .us
- Of course, .ru/Putin do NOT want NATO to have anything to do w/ .ua
- Personally I'm not sure that .ua/Zelensky are going to fare well
under Trump compared w/ how well .ru will be rewarded for its invasion
I'm of the opinion that if the .eu/NATO don't like how Trump/.us is
negotiating w/ Trump in charge, they should step up and take over and do
a better job of kicking .ru completely out of .ua, including Crimea, and
insisting that .ru make reparations to .ua for its invasion. But I
don't think much of that opinion/wish is going to happen.
Mike Easter