Post by David
I disagree w/ the old .uk soldier, in that floating the idea in order to
consider all kinds of options for Gaza is a good idea; because it is NOT
going back to the way it was.
Post by DavidPalestinians will not give up their remaining land.
That is NOT 'Palestinian' land. In the past, when there was hope for a
two state solution in the last century, there was an *idea* (Trump has
now expressed another idea, a different idea) that there could be a
Palestinian state in that part of the world.
What followed was various Arab nations attacked Israel numerous times
and Israel 'beat them back' and 'took charge' of the territory by
military victories.
In the past, Israel thought they could 'manage' such as Gaza and be
secure. Israel, not only Netanyahu, but a lot of Israelis and a lot of
.usians do not believe that it is practical to allow millions of people
who elect terrorists and Israel haters and destroyers to control the
territory where they live.
So... it is no longer 'practical' for such Arabs who like to call
themselves 'Palestinians' (as if there were such a state, which there is
not) to live in/ populate/ control in any manner, the devastated
property upon which they are now living and cannot possibly afford to
rebuild because they have no state and no capital (as in $$) or even any
means of productivity.
They are going to have to get out of Dodge. The fact that no one (as in
neighboring Arab countries) wants them is a big problem for them, but
Israel doesn't want to try to solve that problem for them anymore. Been
there, tried that, didn't work.
They have to go somewhere; no one wants to rebuild for them. The only
entity which has broached the subject of 'rebuilding' so far is Trump,
but he doesn't want to rebuild it for displaced alleged 'Palestinians'
(which term = Jew haters who want the destruction and elimination of
Israel) so all of the so-called Palestinians who are not only
non-productive but now 'homeless' are going to have to find homes for
themselves somewhere else.
Mike Easter