Post by SnitPost by David (Devon)Since he's been posting here on ACW he hasn't told any "stories" - but
has helped me in so many different ways.
Gremlin is projecting.
Nope. David is knowingly lying for you, again. The floodbot story you wrote
about me is something you did here, and it is a completely bullshit story
authored by you, Snit. And, it's not even the first or only one.
Post by SnitTime and time again he tells stories to try to
make himself look good
Stop trying to pass what you do off as my actions, Snit. I've never shared a
story about telling some military person off and having an entire audience
of movie goers walk out in support of you. You have shared a story for
almost any occasion, infact; none of which anyone with even a simple grasp
of logical understanding would believe. You have a very well known
reputation for story telling, amongst other things; none of which are good.
Other than the smear slime you had the floodbot help you with concerning me,
I have no such search results. The dirt that comes back on me is mostly
descriptions of software I wrote that caused damage and cost people money.
Granted, it's awful shit, but, it's not made up bullshit stories like you
are so well known for doing
Post by Sniteven as he fails to understand what it means to
SHOW he has any real skills.
You aren't qualified to judge any aspect of skills in the IT world, Snit.
Post by SnitHe could with Tim, now, in helping him.
Tim has made it very clear he wouldn't accept any help from me. You will
have to either change his mind so it fits your story, or drop this one off
your list of stories.
Post by SnitOr in besting my chat bot and sharing it
I already shared some of the actual source code to the one I was willing to
let you interact with, Snit. I specifically shared it's communication
routines; since unlike your trash that you didn't even author on your own;
it doesn't require 3rd party software to get or send information. It's a
real internet aware program, an actual windows 32bit PE executable that uses
windows API calls to perform all of the tcp/ip stack interaction that's
I have offered to let you play with it on an IRC network of your choosing,
multiple times, over several years now. I only required that you apologize
for having lied on me with your flootbot story. Otherwise, I feel that
allowing you to interact with my bot is rewarding you for the shit behavior
you've had towards me. You lied on me, you owe me an apology for it. Not a
You should stop being so forgetful. usenet doesn't forget, it's not hard to
find the posts, either; if you wish to pull another snit trick and deny I
made such posts. I only bring that up because you've denied that you
originated the functionally illiterate fraud description of me; despite that
being the truth. You deny what you did. You are that dishonest. That's why
I'm reminding you, I've *already shared* source more advanced than the bot
you and atleast one other person worked on, together. It's one of the
reasons why if you are asked about the bot code; you can't answer them. You
didn't write the script, and, you have a rudimentary level of knowledge; so
you can't really fake your way out of your inability to answer coding
questions that SC and myself have both asked you about the aolbot source you
won't even put your name on.
I've posted all kinds of source code to legit programs I authored and
published as shareware or outright freeware; several times I've done this.
Going so far as to bring the receipts; where you can still find the zips as
I released them, for example.
The other day, I posted more source code; actual source code. You *and* Tim
tried the childish; "who knows if it's actually your source code or not".
The source code is mine, Snit. You're only asking that question because well,
let's face it, you don't understand the sources i've shared anymore so than
you really understand the scripting language used for the chatbot you didn't
write entirely on your own.
I also went ahead and told you that mIRC has tens of thousands of bot
scripts, nearly all of them are more advanced than yours. I've told you this
multiple times and invited you to go and check that claim for yourself. You
never did. Which is fine, I'm not the only person here who knows what mIRC
is. I'm not the only person here who knows what I told you about those
scripts is true, either, Snit.
We also have David Brooks asking you for help with my wallgreeter source
code. He specifically wanted you to explain how he could enable and use the
backdoor that I told him was present in the program. I replied to his post
asking for your help, and, you probably remember, I told him he was asking
the wrong person for help; you didn't even know what the fuck you were
looking at.
You took such offense to my truthful reply to him that you went well out of
your way to share the first version of your floodbot story where you accused
me of having a copy of the bot that was flooding this newsgroup with mostly
pro snit posts. You even went so far as to cherry pick a paragraph out of
three I wrote in another post to try and support the accusation. You even
took the time to ensure the last sentence was read with the understanding
that the accusation had already been proven to be true (it wasn't). You knew
exactly what you were doing with each sentence you wrote. You didn't do this
in ten minutes or less; You took some time on that.
You knowingly, and intentionally, went well out of your way to lie about me
with a completely made up story.
Denial isn't a river in africa.
Post by Snitor taking on Carroll's challenge
and showing a system wide solution to handling hxxp(s) links. Heck, on
the last one I took on Carroll's challenge -- it was not hard.
Heh. How's about you finally help David out with my old source code? It's
been a few years now. Do you suppose you can isolate the code responsible
for the backdoor and explain how to activate and use it? You know, something
demonstrating actual coding knowledge. You claim I don't show coding skill,
right? You need to be able to show you would know what coding skill was if
you did see it, then, Snit. Chop chop script kiddie; Davids been waiting on
your help with that for years. Wall greeter source.
You can cheat and use my reply to him where I explained it, but, I'll catch
you if you try to pass my words off as your own original ones.
Post by SnitPost by David (Devon)You know MY situation because I've told you the truth. Much of the
time, though, you haven't believed me!
Gremlin lies and as such tends to not trust.
You don't speak for me, Snit. And you damn sure don't represent me either. I
do not have the well known lists following me around, but you do. There's a
reason those lists exist. There's a reason so many people decided it was
worth compiling them to warn others about you. I'm a former blackhat,
infamously known vxer (you keep claiming I brag all the time, I decided I
have the right to do so a little bit here; i've already been accused of it
when I wasn't!) who was a real fucking jerk at one point. I invited you and
the dumbass Tim to checkout alt.comp.virus for a reason; for the old posts.
I wasn't pulling that newsgroup from my ass, Snit. Yet, despite all the very
public, still accessable shit I have done, confirmed to have done, I am
still nowhere near as disliked as you! I've spent the last couple of decades
trying to make up for some of the immature and childish shit I've done. I've
got receipts to show for my time.
You have decades of usenet activity where you haven't changed for the better
a single fucking bit. The 20 ways in which you lie list is still as valid
today as it was when it was first published. Almost any post you've written
here can be cross checked against that list; and you'll most likely be
providing more than one example in a single reply.
Most of your replies to me can nearly cover all 20, and in some cases, they
actually do. Those lists aren't new, but, you haven't improved. You still do
the same old well documented bullshit you've always done. You've been able
to spend years fucking off, smearing people online while my happy ass works
and helps to pay for you to live for free; you do not work for a living. You
do an occasional side job, but your primary source of income comes from my
and others who work for a living paychecks in the form of taxes taken.
People didn't pull the contents of those lists from their assholes. There's
nearly two hundred people on one list alone who've written things, truthful
things about you, and none of it looks good on you. None of it is something
a normal person would be proud of.
You have a very well known reputation, Snit.
I don't need no Dr. All I my lawyer.