2025-02-02 16:53:00 UTC
Offer from John Elder
Did you know that you can replicate any of the most complicated websites
out there with Django and Python quickly and easily?
Let me explain...
Think about Facebook...what is it?
Well...it's a website that lets you Create a Facebook post...or Read
someone else's post...or Update your post...or Delete your post...
Create - Read - Update - Delete...
How about Twitter (or X or whatever stupid name they're calling it this
You can Create a Tweet, Read a Tweet, Update your Tweet (can you update
Tweets?) and Delete your Tweet.
What about Instagram? Create a picture or video post, Read (View)
someone's post, Update your Post, or Delete it...
Just about any major website is built around the concept of CRUD.
Amazon.com? They can Create a product listing, read it, update it, and
delete it. It's all CRUD.
And Django makes it ridiculously easy to do CRUD. In fact, Django does
all the work for you...practically automatically.
Databases handle all of this CRUD stuff, and with Django - you don't
have to know ANYTHING about databases to do CRUD.
Django abstracts away the database layer and does all the coding for you.
It also handles all the forms, webpages, and all the nasty hard stuff
that goes on behind the scenes.
If you learn how to do CRUD with Django, you can create just about any
type of website you want.
If you want to learn CRUD with Django...I can teach you in just a few
hours. No kidding.
I've got a 74-video course called "Intermediate Django - Address Book
App" that will walk you from beginner thru intermediate Django and teach
you CRUD by building a fun little address book app.
It's a cool app where you can add contacts; their names, addresses,
emails, a little picture of the person if you want...that sort of thing.
But it's all CRUD... You can Create a contact...Read (view) the
contact...Update the contact...or Delete the contact. CRUD!
You won't JUST learn CRUD in this course...there's all sorts of other
cool things to learn too...
You'll learn User Authentication with Django...so you can have website
members sign up, log in, log out...update their accounts, all that good
We'll also push the whole thing online using web hosting and a domain name.
...and all sorts of other fun things too.
Normally $49...you can get the whole thing today for just $9...which is
pretty ridiculous.
ORDER HERE -----> https://members.codemy.com/intermediate-django-
It's not a great deal of money. If someone else will buy and play with*********************
Did you know that you can replicate any of the most complicated websites
out there with Django and Python quickly and easily?
Let me explain...
Think about Facebook...what is it?
Well...it's a website that lets you Create a Facebook post...or Read
someone else's post...or Update your post...or Delete your post...
Create - Read - Update - Delete...
How about Twitter (or X or whatever stupid name they're calling it this
You can Create a Tweet, Read a Tweet, Update your Tweet (can you update
Tweets?) and Delete your Tweet.
What about Instagram? Create a picture or video post, Read (View)
someone's post, Update your Post, or Delete it...
Just about any major website is built around the concept of CRUD.
Amazon.com? They can Create a product listing, read it, update it, and
delete it. It's all CRUD.
And Django makes it ridiculously easy to do CRUD. In fact, Django does
all the work for you...practically automatically.
Databases handle all of this CRUD stuff, and with Django - you don't
have to know ANYTHING about databases to do CRUD.
Django abstracts away the database layer and does all the coding for you.
It also handles all the forms, webpages, and all the nasty hard stuff
that goes on behind the scenes.
If you learn how to do CRUD with Django, you can create just about any
type of website you want.
If you want to learn CRUD with Django...I can teach you in just a few
hours. No kidding.
I've got a 74-video course called "Intermediate Django - Address Book
App" that will walk you from beginner thru intermediate Django and teach
you CRUD by building a fun little address book app.
It's a cool app where you can add contacts; their names, addresses,
emails, a little picture of the person if you want...that sort of thing.
But it's all CRUD... You can Create a contact...Read (view) the
contact...Update the contact...or Delete the contact. CRUD!
You won't JUST learn CRUD in this course...there's all sorts of other
cool things to learn too...
You'll learn User Authentication with Django...so you can have website
members sign up, log in, log out...update their accounts, all that good
We'll also push the whole thing online using web hosting and a domain name.
...and all sorts of other fun things too.
Normally $49...you can get the whole thing today for just $9...which is
pretty ridiculous.
ORDER HERE -----> https://members.codemy.com/intermediate-django-
this for a few weeks, I'm tempted to apply.