John Smyth
2025-01-25 17:12:37 UTC
Good question.
'Why Didn’t the Democrats Steal the 2024 Presidential Election?'
'Many Trump supporters believe that Trump won the 2024 election because,
this time, the vote for Trump was “too big to rig.” Others dismiss the
concern about “stolen elections” because Trump won the popular vote in
addition to the electoral vote, plus a GOP majority in the U.S. House
and Senate. The reality is that elections are still corruptible. While
Democrats didn’t rig the presidential race this time around, the narrow
congressional majority probably means that down-ballot races were still
manipulated...something Democrats can and will do again.
But we would make a mistake to think that there are vote margins so
large that cheating is impossible. Biden’s popular vote total was even
larger in 2020 than Trump’s in 2024 (81,283,501 vs. Trump’s 74,223,975
in 2020 and 77,303,573 in 2024). Biden’s 2020 popular vote was “too big
because it was rigged.”
What we learned after 2020 was that cryptographic algorithms embedded in
State Board of Elections voter registration databases existed in
databases, as Andrew Paquette and I demonstrated on our 501(c)3 website, The algorithms permit bad actors to create false
voter records that are still given legitimate state voter ID numbers.
Image by AI.
The scheme appears designed to allow the criminals operating the
cryptographic scheme, at will, to vote illegally the number of
certifiable (though false) mail-in ballots needed to win.
In 2020, the telltale pattern of election fraud was evident, as all the
battleground states halted counting votes on election night. When vote
counting resumed, enough mail-in ballots in each battleground state
miraculously appeared, putting Biden on top for good. However, in 2024,
after Andrew Paquette exposed cryptographic algorithms in Pennsylvania,
Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia, each of the battleground states
completed vote counting on election night, with all of them reporting
Trump as the winner.
In part, Trump’s victory may have been because we did expose the
cryptographic algorithms in four of the 2024 battleground states before
the presidential election on November 5, 2024. However, the primary
reason the Democrats allowed the swing states to conclude counting votes
on election night was that the Democrats decided not to steal the 2024
presidential election to punish Biden and Kamala Harris for breaking
At the “Deep Party” Central Committee level of the Democrat party—at the
level of Barack Obama, Klaus Schwab, and George Soros—the order went out
that Harris needed to lose. After Biden’s catastrophic debate
performance, Sen. Ted Cruz believed that Obama wanted to substitute
Michelle Obama as the Democrat’s candidate once Biden was induced (or
forced) to resign from the bid. This theory gains support from the
political melodrama in the Democrat party after the debate.
Biden eventually dropped out of the race at 1:45 p.m. on July 21 via a
social media post. Not quite 30 minutes later, he posted on “X” that,
after deciding “not to accept the nomination and to focus all my
energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term,” he
offered his “full support and endorsement for Kamala (Harris) to be the
nominee of our party this year.” Almost immediately after Biden’s
announcements, Obama issued a letter that, while commending Biden for
his decision to withdraw, did not endorse Harris.
As early as July 10, 2024, mainstream media had printed stories that if
Biden were to drop out of the race, delegates to the Democratic National
Convention would be released to vote for an alternative. After Biden’s
“X” post endorsing Kamala Harris, she became the presumed Democrat party
presidential candidate. All consideration of an alternative presidential
candidate, including Michelle Obama, stopped. Despite increasing
evidence of Biden’s diminishing mental capacity, he'd outmaneuvered
If we assume the Democrat party has increasingly been acting as a
neo-Marxist party, the capital sin of a party member would be to
countermand a Central Committee decision. Biden’s maneuver to position
Kamala Harris ahead of Michelle Obama as the party’s presidential
candidate in 2024 was an unpardonable offense. Should this reasoning be
correct, Kamala Harris would be well advised to watch her back between
now and 2028. Don’t be surprised if charges that Harris violated
campaign finance laws end up indicting her with felony charges that
could send her to prison.
Looked at from the perspective of the “Deep Party” Central Committee
that runs the Democrats, Harris needed to lose. Statements made during
the campaign suggest that both Obama, now joined by Biden, who hated her
for shivving him, sought to undermine Harris.
On the campaign trail for Harris on October 10, 2024, Obama antagonized
black male voters. “You (black males) are coming up with all kinds of
reasons and excuses, and I’ve got a problem with that,” Obama said.
“Because part of it makes me think—and I’m speaking to men directly—part
of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of
having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other
alternatives and other reasons for that.”
Then, on October 30, 2024, in response to Trump’s Madison Square Garden
rally in New York City, Biden suggested Trump supporters were “garbage,”
a comment sure to goad Trump supporters into even more determined
resolve to vote against Kamala.
If Kamala Harris won the presidency in 2024, she would have had an
excellent chance of being re-elected in 2028. Now, though, she has a
limited future at best.
In other words, Trump won not only because the American people voted for
him but because the Democrat “Deep State” Party needed to bring its
people in line. That is, they let Trump win by refusing to hand Kamala a
However, even as the Democrats stepped back from the top of the ticket,
as the razor-thin margin in the House reminds us, the president isn’t
the only person on a ballot. The ongoing investigation of many
down-ballot elections suggests that the algorithms were also used in
those down-ballot races. There’s growing evidence strongly suggesting
that the Democrats stole many U.S. House and Senate elections and an
even larger number of state and local races.
The Democrat party’s goal in stealing down-ballot elections in 2024 was
to ensure the GOP got a majority in the U.S. House and Senate that was
“too small to rule.” The Democrats accomplished that goal by electoral
sleight-of-hand diversion. The stolen down-ballot elections the
Democrats stole in 2024 were critical for the Democrats to win if the
Deep State were to have any chance of undermining Trump’s determination
to drive a MAGA legislative agenda aimed at defeating once and for all
the “woke” critical-thinking radical left.
In the wake of Kamala’s defeat, support for Michelle in 2028 has
intensified—a result that affirms the political legerdemain that the DNC
achieved by letting a relatively honest election take place at the top
of the ticket. Now, with the MAGA majority comfortable that Trump has
been elected, the globalists’ playbook has gone stealth, betting the
public will tire of election integrity campaigns when the manipulation
in 2024 involved only down-ballot races.
The problem with over-confidence based on Trump’s historic 2024
electoral victory is we may lose the urgency to remove the cryptographic
algorithms embedded in the SBOE voter registration files. That would
leave us unprepared for a possible Democrat party decision to use the
algorithms to steal majorities in both the House and Senate in the 2026
mid-term elections and retake the presidency in 2028.
Trump’s most important objective in his second term in office must be to
expose the cryptographic algorithms and to conduct criminal
investigations of those responsible for placing them into SBOE voter
registration files. No issue is more critical—not securing the borders,
deporting criminal illegal immigrants, or ending global wars.
Without election integrity, the Republic is undoubtedly lost, perhaps
not in 2024, but almost certainly shortly thereafter'
'Why Didn’t the Democrats Steal the 2024 Presidential Election?'
'Many Trump supporters believe that Trump won the 2024 election because,
this time, the vote for Trump was “too big to rig.” Others dismiss the
concern about “stolen elections” because Trump won the popular vote in
addition to the electoral vote, plus a GOP majority in the U.S. House
and Senate. The reality is that elections are still corruptible. While
Democrats didn’t rig the presidential race this time around, the narrow
congressional majority probably means that down-ballot races were still
manipulated...something Democrats can and will do again.
But we would make a mistake to think that there are vote margins so
large that cheating is impossible. Biden’s popular vote total was even
larger in 2020 than Trump’s in 2024 (81,283,501 vs. Trump’s 74,223,975
in 2020 and 77,303,573 in 2024). Biden’s 2020 popular vote was “too big
because it was rigged.”
What we learned after 2020 was that cryptographic algorithms embedded in
State Board of Elections voter registration databases existed in
databases, as Andrew Paquette and I demonstrated on our 501(c)3 website, The algorithms permit bad actors to create false
voter records that are still given legitimate state voter ID numbers.
Image by AI.
The scheme appears designed to allow the criminals operating the
cryptographic scheme, at will, to vote illegally the number of
certifiable (though false) mail-in ballots needed to win.
In 2020, the telltale pattern of election fraud was evident, as all the
battleground states halted counting votes on election night. When vote
counting resumed, enough mail-in ballots in each battleground state
miraculously appeared, putting Biden on top for good. However, in 2024,
after Andrew Paquette exposed cryptographic algorithms in Pennsylvania,
Wisconsin, Arizona, and Georgia, each of the battleground states
completed vote counting on election night, with all of them reporting
Trump as the winner.
In part, Trump’s victory may have been because we did expose the
cryptographic algorithms in four of the 2024 battleground states before
the presidential election on November 5, 2024. However, the primary
reason the Democrats allowed the swing states to conclude counting votes
on election night was that the Democrats decided not to steal the 2024
presidential election to punish Biden and Kamala Harris for breaking
At the “Deep Party” Central Committee level of the Democrat party—at the
level of Barack Obama, Klaus Schwab, and George Soros—the order went out
that Harris needed to lose. After Biden’s catastrophic debate
performance, Sen. Ted Cruz believed that Obama wanted to substitute
Michelle Obama as the Democrat’s candidate once Biden was induced (or
forced) to resign from the bid. This theory gains support from the
political melodrama in the Democrat party after the debate.
Biden eventually dropped out of the race at 1:45 p.m. on July 21 via a
social media post. Not quite 30 minutes later, he posted on “X” that,
after deciding “not to accept the nomination and to focus all my
energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term,” he
offered his “full support and endorsement for Kamala (Harris) to be the
nominee of our party this year.” Almost immediately after Biden’s
announcements, Obama issued a letter that, while commending Biden for
his decision to withdraw, did not endorse Harris.
As early as July 10, 2024, mainstream media had printed stories that if
Biden were to drop out of the race, delegates to the Democratic National
Convention would be released to vote for an alternative. After Biden’s
“X” post endorsing Kamala Harris, she became the presumed Democrat party
presidential candidate. All consideration of an alternative presidential
candidate, including Michelle Obama, stopped. Despite increasing
evidence of Biden’s diminishing mental capacity, he'd outmaneuvered
If we assume the Democrat party has increasingly been acting as a
neo-Marxist party, the capital sin of a party member would be to
countermand a Central Committee decision. Biden’s maneuver to position
Kamala Harris ahead of Michelle Obama as the party’s presidential
candidate in 2024 was an unpardonable offense. Should this reasoning be
correct, Kamala Harris would be well advised to watch her back between
now and 2028. Don’t be surprised if charges that Harris violated
campaign finance laws end up indicting her with felony charges that
could send her to prison.
Looked at from the perspective of the “Deep Party” Central Committee
that runs the Democrats, Harris needed to lose. Statements made during
the campaign suggest that both Obama, now joined by Biden, who hated her
for shivving him, sought to undermine Harris.
On the campaign trail for Harris on October 10, 2024, Obama antagonized
black male voters. “You (black males) are coming up with all kinds of
reasons and excuses, and I’ve got a problem with that,” Obama said.
“Because part of it makes me think—and I’m speaking to men directly—part
of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of
having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other
alternatives and other reasons for that.”
Then, on October 30, 2024, in response to Trump’s Madison Square Garden
rally in New York City, Biden suggested Trump supporters were “garbage,”
a comment sure to goad Trump supporters into even more determined
resolve to vote against Kamala.
If Kamala Harris won the presidency in 2024, she would have had an
excellent chance of being re-elected in 2028. Now, though, she has a
limited future at best.
In other words, Trump won not only because the American people voted for
him but because the Democrat “Deep State” Party needed to bring its
people in line. That is, they let Trump win by refusing to hand Kamala a
However, even as the Democrats stepped back from the top of the ticket,
as the razor-thin margin in the House reminds us, the president isn’t
the only person on a ballot. The ongoing investigation of many
down-ballot elections suggests that the algorithms were also used in
those down-ballot races. There’s growing evidence strongly suggesting
that the Democrats stole many U.S. House and Senate elections and an
even larger number of state and local races.
The Democrat party’s goal in stealing down-ballot elections in 2024 was
to ensure the GOP got a majority in the U.S. House and Senate that was
“too small to rule.” The Democrats accomplished that goal by electoral
sleight-of-hand diversion. The stolen down-ballot elections the
Democrats stole in 2024 were critical for the Democrats to win if the
Deep State were to have any chance of undermining Trump’s determination
to drive a MAGA legislative agenda aimed at defeating once and for all
the “woke” critical-thinking radical left.
In the wake of Kamala’s defeat, support for Michelle in 2028 has
intensified—a result that affirms the political legerdemain that the DNC
achieved by letting a relatively honest election take place at the top
of the ticket. Now, with the MAGA majority comfortable that Trump has
been elected, the globalists’ playbook has gone stealth, betting the
public will tire of election integrity campaigns when the manipulation
in 2024 involved only down-ballot races.
The problem with over-confidence based on Trump’s historic 2024
electoral victory is we may lose the urgency to remove the cryptographic
algorithms embedded in the SBOE voter registration files. That would
leave us unprepared for a possible Democrat party decision to use the
algorithms to steal majorities in both the House and Senate in the 2026
mid-term elections and retake the presidency in 2028.
Trump’s most important objective in his second term in office must be to
expose the cryptographic algorithms and to conduct criminal
investigations of those responsible for placing them into SBOE voter
registration files. No issue is more critical—not securing the borders,
deporting criminal illegal immigrants, or ending global wars.
Without election integrity, the Republic is undoubtedly lost, perhaps
not in 2024, but almost certainly shortly thereafter'