Programming Corner - Javascript Fundamentals - Object Basics
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Steve Carroll
2025-01-29 21:37:55 UTC
Simply put, an object in JavaScript is a collection of 'key: value' pairs.
Objects can store all kinds of data and they're a great choice for grouping
related info:

let truck = {
color: 'Blue',
make: 'Toyota',
model: 'Tacoma '
msrp: 28999,
year: 2025,
isElectric: false

The name of that object is 'truck' and it has 'properties' (color, make, etc.)
for which the term 'keys' is often used (they're the 'keys' in 'key: value'
pairs... in JS properties and keys can be thought of as one and the same).

To 'access' the 'value' held in the 'color' property, you start with the name
of the object, follow that with bracket or dot notation and then you use the
'key' (the property name):

truck['color'] // bracket notation (note the use of quotes... a string)

truck.color // dot notation (no quotes, just the key 'as is')

Both of the above output: 'Blue'

The bottom line is, when you want a 'value', you use the property name
associated with that value (the 'key' to obtaining the 'value').

Using dot notation is easy but there are times where brackets are required. For
example, if the key is stored in a variable...

let key = 'make'; // key is a string
console.log(truck[key]); // Outputs: 'Toyota'

... brackets are the choice. Same goes if a key has spaces in it, which would
mean it's also a string...

let truck = {
'the color': 'Blue'
... etc.

... so you'd need brackets and quotes around the key:

console.log(truck['the color'])

How can you loop over the items in an object? Using a 'for... in' loop
structure is one way:

for (let key in truck) {
console.log(key + ': ' + truck[key]); // Outputs 'key: value' // using concatenation ('+'), look it up!

Suppose you only want the values?

for (let key in truck) {
console.log(truck[key]); // Outputs values

What's happening there? It's using 'truck[key]', not 'truck[value]', yet, it
outputs values, not keys!

Change the word 'key' to the letter: 'i':

for (let i in truck) {
console.log(truck[1]); // Still outputs values!

NOTE: The word 'key' (which we just changed to 'i') up above is not the same as
the reserved JS word 'key'... which, if you have a good code editor you'll be
able to tell the difference via coloring.

OK, back to our issue: It's using 'truck[key]', not 'truck[value]' !

When you do this (away from the loop):


What did you get? The value, right? Same thing applies in the loop, the 'key'
(the property name) is what 'accesses' the associated 'value'... in a loop, or

Suppose one of the properties of an object is an array?

let truck = {
color: 'Blue',
make: 'Toyota',
model: 'Tacoma',
msrp: 28999,
year: 2025,
isElectric: false,
features: ['Bluetooth', 'Backup Camera', 'Heated Seats', 'Navigation']

How do you access the 'features' array? Just as you have been...


Suppose you just wanted to 'access' the third array element? // see the doc on

truck.features[2] // arrays are zero indexed, so [2] is the third element

Suppose you wanted to print out a list of just the features?

Being it's an array (even though it lives in an object) you can use a 'for...
of' loop:

for (let feature of truck.features) {
console.log(feature); // Outputs each feature in the array

If you wanted to put numbers in front of each item, you might find an 'old
school for loop' a good way to go:

for (let i = 1; i < truck.features.length; i++) {
console.log(i, truck.features[i]); // Outputs the index number ('i') and the feature

So, we have 'for... in' loops for objects, and 'for... of' loops for arrays.

Confused yet? If not, this may do it... basically everything in JS that isn't a
primitive (see Reference doc) is... an Object (with a capital 0)!

For more on objects, research these:

Object.keys(), Object.values(), and Object.entries()

Start in your dev console:

(7) ['color', 'make', 'model', 'msrp', 'year', 'isElectric', 'features']

(7) ['Blue', 'Toyota', 'Tacoma', 28999, 2025, false, Array(4)]

(7) [Array(2), Array(2), Array(2), Array(2), Array(2), Array(2), Array(2)]


Reference page:





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Text generator project - Part 3

Programming vs Code
Steve Carroll
2025-01-30 21:39:46 UTC
Post by Steve Carroll
Simply put, an object in JavaScript is a collection of 'key: value' pairs.
Objects can store all kinds of data and they're a great choice for grouping
let truck = {
color: 'Blue',
make: 'Toyota',
model: 'Tacoma '
msrp: 28999,
year: 2025,
isElectric: false
Anyone inputting that may have noticed the 'purposeful' error msg it led to ;)

(I actually *did* have it right, then I backstepped over an unrelated issue and
missed it)
Kelly Phillips
2025-01-30 21:54:31 UTC
On Thu, 30 Jan 2025 21:39:46 -0000 (UTC), Steve Carroll <"Steve
Post by Steve Carroll
Post by Steve Carroll
Simply put, an object in JavaScript is a collection of 'key: value' pairs.
Objects can store all kinds of data and they're a great choice for grouping
let truck = {
color: 'Blue',
make: 'Toyota',
model: 'Tacoma '
msrp: 28999,
year: 2025,
isElectric: false
Anyone inputting that may have noticed the 'purposeful' error msg it led to ;)
(I actually *did* have it right, then I backstepped over an unrelated issue and
missed it)
I didn't actually play with it, but the use of single quotes and commas
around the values seems to be uneven.
2025-01-30 22:09:17 UTC
Post by Kelly Phillips
On Thu, 30 Jan 2025 21:39:46 -0000 (UTC), Steve Carroll <"Steve
Post by Steve Carroll
Post by Steve Carroll
Simply put, an object in JavaScript is a collection of 'key: value' pairs.
Objects can store all kinds of data and they're a great choice for grouping
let truck = {
color: 'Blue',
make: 'Toyota',
model: 'Tacoma '
msrp: 28999,
year: 2025,
isElectric: false
Anyone inputting that may have noticed the 'purposeful' error msg it led to ;)
(I actually *did* have it right, then I backstepped over an unrelated issue
and missed it)
I didn't actually play with it, but the use of single quotes and commas
around the values seems to be uneven.
I see that Tacoma has a space after it, but that should just become
part of the string. No comma, might be a problem though.
Steve Carroll
2025-01-30 22:16:40 UTC
Post by Kelly Phillips
On Thu, 30 Jan 2025 21:39:46 -0000 (UTC), Steve Carroll <"Steve
Post by Steve Carroll
Post by Steve Carroll
Simply put, an object in JavaScript is a collection of 'key: value' pairs.
Objects can store all kinds of data and they're a great choice for grouping
let truck = {
color: 'Blue',
make: 'Toyota',
model: 'Tacoma '
msrp: 28999,
year: 2025,
isElectric: false
Anyone inputting that may have noticed the 'purposeful' error msg it led to ;)
(I actually *did* have it right, then I backstepped over an unrelated issue and
missed it)
I didn't actually play with it, but the use of single quotes and commas
around the values seems to be uneven.
It's actually the missing comma that'd throw the error. In a browser:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'msrp'

Notice the error comes on the *next* property, not the one with the missing
comma. This can confuse people sometimes, but if you think about how the JS
parser works, it makes sense (everything is fine up to that point). You can
even put a comma after the last property:

let truck = {
color: 'Blue',
make: 'Toyota',
model: 'Tacoma',
msrp: 28999,
year: 2025,
isElectric: false,

A comma after the last item is actually a common practice (some style guides
even recommend it).
Brock McNuggets
2025-01-30 22:20:52 UTC
Post by Kelly Phillips
On Thu, 30 Jan 2025 21:39:46 -0000 (UTC), Steve Carroll
Post by Steve Carroll
Post by Steve Carroll
Simply put, an object in JavaScript is a collection of 'key: value' pairs.
Objects can store all kinds of data and they're a great choice for grouping
let truck = {
color: 'Blue',
make: 'Toyota',
model: 'Tacoma '
msrp: 28999,
year: 2025,
isElectric: false
Anyone inputting that may have noticed the 'purposeful' error msg it led to ;)
(I actually *did* have it right, then I backstepped over an unrelated issue and
missed it)
I didn't actually play with it, but the use of single quotes and commas
around the values seems to be uneven.
Yeah, no comma after the model.
Specialist in unnecessary details and overcomplicated solutions.